Ejercicios de cuantificadores en inglés

Ejercicios de cuantificadores en inglés


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Cuantificadores 2

Con este quiz podrás poner a prueba tu conocimiento gramatical sobre el uso de Cuantificadores 2 en inglés

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1 / 20

1. Aaron and Milan are friends and _______ of them go to the same school. They are classmates, too.

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2 / 20

2. A: There are four radios in the attic.

B: Yes, but _______ of them work. They are _______ broken.

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3 / 20

3. A: I have got two dictionaries, but _______ of them include the meaning of that word in it.

B: You can look it up in an online dictionary then.

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4 / 20

4. Hans and Klaus are from Germany, and _______ them are from the city of Frankfurt.

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5 / 20

5. A: _______ the pancakes are burnt.

B: Still, Hillary has eaten five of them.

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6 / 20

6. Nancy and Jenny are 27 years old and they are _______ bankers.

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7 / 20

7. _______ the eleven footballers in the team were happy about the final score _______ of them were sad.

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8 / 20

8. Ryan bought two blankets yesterday and he has already washed _______ them.

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9 / 20

9. Linda will invite _______ her neighbours over for dinner. She thinks there will be more than fifteen people.

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10 / 20

10. He gave me two music CDs, but I liked _______ them.

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11 / 20

11. A: Which of the last 2 episodes did you like?

B: _______  them. I think _______ of them were very boring.

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12 / 20

12. Samuel bought some sweets from the shop, and he ate _______ them in 2 hours.

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13 / 20

13. There are two slices of cake left on the plate. I'll eat _______ them. You can have them.

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14 / 20

14. A: Are _______ the cupboards empty?

B: No, Only the one on the left is empty. There are plates inside the other one

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15 / 20

15. She has got lots of books in her bookcase, and she has read _______ them.

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16 / 20

16. Kyle has tried many shoes on for the last two hours, but _______ of them fit him.

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17 / 20

17. _______ the paintings are exceptionally beautiful, but I love _______ them.

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18 / 20

18. _______ the apples in the basket are rotten, so I can use _______ them for the pie.

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19 / 20

19. He wrote hundreds of poems, but he published _______ them.

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20 / 20

20. _______ of the five girls has short black hair. _______ of them have long brown hair.

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