Ejercicios de reading en inglés nivel B1-5

Ejercicios de reading en inglés nivel B1-5

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B1 Reading exercise 5

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1 / 10

Categoría: Reading

1. 1.
🛍️ A Day at the Shopping Mall

Laura went shopping last Saturday because she needed a new dress for a party. She visited different stores and compared prices before making a decision.

She finally bought a beautiful red dress that was on sale. After shopping, she had lunch at a café and watched a movie at the cinema.

She really enjoyed her day at the mall.

Why did Laura go shopping?

2 / 10

Categoría: Reading

2. 2.
🛍️ A Day at the Shopping Mall

Laura went shopping last Saturday because she needed a new dress for a party. She visited different stores and compared prices before making a decision.

She finally bought a beautiful red dress that was on sale. After shopping, she had lunch at a café and watched a movie at the cinema.

She really enjoyed her day at the mall.

What did Laura do before buying the dress? (Check all that apply.)

3 / 10

Categoría: Reading

3. 3.
🛍️ A Day at the Shopping Mall

Laura went shopping last Saturday because she needed a new dress for a party. She visited different stores and compared prices before making a decision.

She finally bought a beautiful red dress that was on sale. After shopping, she had lunch at a café and watched a movie at the cinema.

She really enjoyed her day at the mall.

What color was the dress Laura bought? (Write one color.)

4 / 10

Categoría: Reading

4. 4.
🛍️ A Day at the Shopping Mall

Laura went shopping last Saturday because she needed a new dress for a party. She visited different stores and compared prices before making a decision.

She finally bought a beautiful red dress that was on sale. After shopping, she had lunch at a café and watched a movie at the cinema.

She really enjoyed her day at the mall.

Where did Laura eat after shopping?

5 / 10

Categoría: Reading

5. 5.
🛍️ A Day at the Shopping Mall

Laura went shopping last Saturday because she needed a new dress for a party. She visited different stores and compared prices before making a decision.

She finally bought a beautiful red dress that was on sale. After shopping, she had lunch at a café and watched a movie at the cinema.

She really enjoyed her day at the mall.

Why did Laura enjoy her day?

6 / 10

Categoría: Reading

6. 6.
🛍️ A Day at the Shopping Mall

Laura went shopping last Saturday because she needed a new dress for a party. She visited different stores and compared prices before making a decision.

She finally bought a beautiful red dress that was on sale. After shopping, she had lunch at a café and watched a movie at the cinema.

She really enjoyed her day at the mall.

Laura bought a black dress.

7 / 10

Categoría: Reading

7. 7.
🛍️ A Day at the Shopping Mall

Laura went shopping last Saturday because she needed a new dress for a party. She visited different stores and compared prices before making a decision.

She finally bought a beautiful red dress that was on sale. After shopping, she had lunch at a café and watched a movie at the cinema.

She really enjoyed her day at the mall.

What did Laura do after shopping? (Write one activity.)

8 / 10

Categoría: Reading

8. 8.
🛍️ A Day at the Shopping Mall

Laura went shopping last Saturday because she needed a new dress for a party. She visited different stores and compared prices before making a decision.

She finally bought a beautiful red dress that was on sale. After shopping, she had lunch at a café and watched a movie at the cinema.

She really enjoyed her day at the mall.

Where did Laura go after lunch?

9 / 10

Categoría: Reading

9. 9.
🛍️ A Day at the Shopping Mall

Laura went shopping last Saturday because she needed a new dress for a party. She visited different stores and compared prices before making a decision.

She finally bought a beautiful red dress that was on sale. After shopping, she had lunch at a café and watched a movie at the cinema.

She really enjoyed her day at the mall.

Did Laura compare prices before buying the dress?

10 / 10

Categoría: Reading

10. 10.
🛍️ A Day at the Shopping Mall

Laura went shopping last Saturday because she needed a new dress for a party. She visited different stores and compared prices before making a decision.

She finally bought a beautiful red dress that was on sale. After shopping, she had lunch at a café and watched a movie at the cinema.

Where did Laura go shopping? (Write one place.)

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