Ejercicios de gramática avanzada-10 nivel b2 en inglés

Ejercicios de gramática avanzada-10 nivel b2 en inglés

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banner-1024x422 Ejercicios de gramática avanzada-10 nivel b2 en inglés

Advanced Grammar B2 10

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1 / 25

1. (Please note: The following questions are part of a cloze test. They are interrelated, meaning that the information provided in each question is connected to the others.)

We arrived _____ Spain for the first time _____.

2 / 25

2. We arrived _____ Spain for the first time _____.

3 / 25

3. And I decided to buy a car because we had sold _____ we had in England before leaving.

4 / 25

4. Yesterday the office rang us _____ the car was ready.

5 / 25

5. I had tried out a model _____ it before but as I was _____ in this city, my wife didn’t _____ it on my own so we went together to _____.

6 / 25

6. I had tried out a model _____ it before but as I was _____ in this city, my wife didn’t _____ it on my own so we went together to _____.

7 / 25

7. I had tried out a model _____ it before but as I was _____ in this city, my wife didn’t _____ it on my own so we went together to _____.

8 / 25

8. I had tried out a model _____ it before but as I was _____ in this city, my wife didn’t _____ it on my own so we went together to _____

9 / 25

9. We paid _____ and signed the papers.

10 / 25

10. They told us that _____ us to a garage, _____ we could fill up.

11 / 25

11. They told us that _____ us to a garage, _____ we could fill up.

12 / 25

12. The _____ the office was _____ and we got there safely.

13 / 25

13. The _____ the office was _____ and we got there safely.

14 / 25

14. But when I turned into the main road, I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing towards me. I got _____ _____ by backing into the garage _____ and the man behind me shouted at me.

15 / 25

15. I got _____ _____ by backing into the garage _____ and the man behind me shouted at me.

16 / 25

16. I got _____ _____ by backing into the garage _____ and the man behind me shouted at me.

17 / 25

17. _____ problem to _____ on the right, isn’t it?” my wife said.

18 / 25

18. “_____ problem to _____ on the right, isn’t it?” my wife said.

19 / 25

19. “Yes, if only I _____ a few lessons for practice,” I replied.

20 / 25

20. “You _____ go carefully _____ home,” my wife said.

21 / 25

21. “You _____ go carefully _____ home,” my wife said.

22 / 25

22. “You’d be sorry if you had an accident _____ the first day, _____?

23 / 25

23. “You’d be sorry if you had an accident _____ the first day, _____?

24 / 25

24. “Would you _____ me when you are thinking of leaving?

25 / 25

25. Or are you going to sit in your car _____ day?”

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